Our Business class for long-haul flights
Personalised, priority service from the crew
Wider seats with maximum privacy. New items like a flight mattress for greater comfort. Gourmet cuisine accompanied by a select wine list.
Wider seats with maximum privacy. New items like a flight mattress for greater comfort. Gourmet cuisine accompanied by a select wine list.
Wider seats for more space and comfort Amenity kit Individual touch screen and new menus that you can see before your flight
More space because the middle is kept free and a new food and drinks service. Personalised service from the crew and priority access.
New food and drinks menu on our long-haul flights, with a variety of options. Plus, our on-board Gastrobar on short, medium and long-haul flights, with a selection of drinks and a range of sweet and savoury snacks. And individual touch screens for you to watch films and TV shows, listen to music and much more.