Find your code
To find out about the latest discounts from Iberia.com and get promo codes for your purchases, follow us on social networks or subscribe to our newsletter.
To find out about the latest discounts from Iberia.com and get promo codes for your purchases, follow us on social networks or subscribe to our newsletter.
Choose the destination and dates for your flight on Iberia.com or on the Iberia app.
Check the general terms and conditions for our promotions and also take into account the specific conditions for your discount code.
At the end of your purchase, when you reach the payment page, enter your discount code to validate it and complete your purchase with the discount applied.
Do you have a discount code? It's very easy to redeem it against your next purchase on Iberia.com.
Once you have selected your flight and reached the payment page, on the right-hand side you'll see a box with the words 'Do you have a voucher, discount code or gift card?'. Enter your discount code exactly as shown, bearing in mind in any uppercase, lowercase or special characters. Select 'Apply' and that's it!
The new price payable will appear with the discount already applied.
Here you can get discount vouchers for Iberia.com and find out about all the latest offers.
You can get discounts on Iberia flights using our promotional codes for purchases on Iberia.com.
You will find promo codes to redeem against your purchases on Iberia.com on our social networks, by subscribing to our newsletter or becoming an Iberia Plus client.
Choose your flights and when completing the purchase process, go to the payment screen and enter your discount code in the box enabled for this purpose.
You can apply your discount codes to the purchase of any ticket, except on the Puente Aéreo (air shuttle service). You can also redeem promotional codes when you buy other products in addition to the flight on Iberia.com, such as suitcases or seats, but not when you buy a holiday package. Discount codes apply if you pay with Cash & Avios, but not if you pay only with Avios.
In case you have any doubts, consult the general terms and conditions for the Iberia discount codes.
A discount code and a refund voucher are different products:
A discount code is a promotional code that applies a percentage discount (10%, 20%, etc.) or discounted amount (€10, €20…) to the total amount for your purchase. You can only use it once.
A voucher is the amount received as a refund for a ticket that you have not used. You can use it once or several times to book on Iberia.com, until the balance has been used up.
Enter your voucher identification code and the e-mail address you used to request it to view the remaining balance, expiry date and conditions of use.
Voucher information | |
Voucher identification code | - |
Remaining balance | - |
Expiry date | - |
Available airlines | - |
Latest permitted travel date (Return) | - |
Number of remaining uses | - |
Using your voucher |